winMolconn  is the newest release of the Molconn structure description software and is available for the following platforms:
The Molconn-Z Developers' Toolkit
The Developers' Toolkit provides the unique Molconn-Z functionality in a programmable form which is ideal for building new proprietary applications in-house or in distributed form.

The Molconn-Z Developers Toolkit has been validated with:
 SGI Irix
 Red Hat Linux
 Sun Solaris
 Mac OS-X

Sample source code using both the Daylight smiles toolkit and OpenEye's OELib Opensource library are provided for easy integration.
winMolconn command shell (terminal)

winMolconn v1.0.1.3 runs from a command shell in either Windows or Linux.  Simple shell usage makes all winMolconn functions available from the shell, or by running a script file for automated processing of multiple batches.  New “crash-proof” architechure prevents one un-readable structure from crashing an entire batch.  winMolconn includes a structure-file reader that will accept strucutres as SD files, a SMILES file, or as individual mol files.

New features available in v1.0.1.3
 winMolconn v1.0.1.3 supports usage on 32 or 64 bit Linux and Windows 2000/XP
 the addition of more than 450 bond-type E-State indices
 the addition of more than 60 new E-State indices for organic functional groups
 the addition of a new set of internal hydrogen bonding E-State indices based on revised algorithms
    for determining when an internal hydrogen bond is able to form.
 structures rendered as the ionized or protonated form can be treated as the equivalent neutral form
 structure files that include water or a counter-ion (single or multi-atom) are now supported
 addition of the ability to format the Molconn output file including:
    - selecting which descriptors are output for a given run
    - indicating the order in which descriptors will appear in the output
    - output descriptor content and ordering are file-based for easy re-use in future projects
winMolconn Java GUI

The winMolconn Java GUI may be used in place of a shell or shell script to run winMolconn on either the Windows or Linux paltform.  All of the winMolconn shell features are available through the use of the Java GUI.  The GUI includes an extensive searchable help file giving definitions for all of the over 1200 structure descriptors available in the winMolconn output.

Original Fortran Version
Command line or batch script and processes 5000 compounds per minute
For pricing information, please contact us at this link:  winMolconn Information
  2 Davis Street, Quincy Massachusetts, 02170  USA